Fri 03 Jan
💞💕Let Me BLOW💨YOUR mind☄️👩❤️💋👩WELL REVIEWED📲GOOGLE ME📲💋 💯%Real - 25
(Memphis, St Francis area private residence)
❣👑❣👡❣ Exotic ❣ Brunette ❣ Italian❣ Bombshell ❣👠❣💄❣ - 27
(Memphis, Memphis surroundings and Casino resorts)
Your Three Favorite Fantasy Girls Are Here For Your Reality Check - Special Pricing!!! - 21
VISITING *°♥°O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N °♥* ((BLONDE BABE)) - 19
(Memphis, Memphis and Surrounding)
xXx = = = ( 60q Incall ) BUSTY *Exotic* VIXEN ! ( 60q Incall) = = = XxX - 24
(* Leaving Town Soon* E. Memphis)
ur sexy dominican *Bad Girl INNOCENCE* * * (901-503-0391) $100 Specials - 20
(Memphis, memphis and surrounding areas)
Visiting _____ 4 the GENTLEmen ______ *Limited Exclusive Edition!!* ------> BUSTY TX GAL ... (GFE) - 24
(Memphis/Tunica In/Out)
* ~*~ *~* ~* XXXperience Chocolate Beauty - (901) 644-6801* ~*~ *~ *~ *~ - 27
(Memphis/Airport area/Tunica)
✨Upscale Provider💋$50/$100 Incall Specials😘L👀👀K No Further👌👭👫💋✨ - 20
(Memphis, East Memphis Incalls Only)
__ W _ A _ Y _ _ _T _ O _ O _ _ _ _ _ G _ _ O _ _ O _ _ D _ _ _ _ _T _ O _ _ _ _ _ M _I _ S_ S _ _ - 26
(Memphis and Surrounding)
*Your Holiday⛄ Fetish u Can't Resist👅👑 Available Now ☎Me - 28
(Memphis, Memphis Tennessee airport area)
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS ONLY) PLaTiNuM BaRbie - Amazing Body - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Yo Hablo Espanol 60 QV Incalls Now💦Deja💦Your Wish My Comman - 22
(East/West Memphis,Airport ,SycamoreView, Memphis)
Your fantasy is Here 2 come Tru Sexy n REady womEn!!!!!!1! - 27
(Memphis, Mid-Town,Tunica, Arkansas)
$ WhAt'S Up GuY's LeTs HaVe SoMe FuN $ I'm HoT HoRnEy & ReAdY So DoNt KeEp Me WaItINg CALL NOW $ - 22
(Memphis, memphis area)
XoXo _ ☆GoRgeoUs (( *AMAZING BOMBSHELL* )) ♥(( *1OO% REAL* )) XoXo_ ☆9013994440 - 28
(Memphis, UPSCALE incall SPECIAL specia125 an hour)
*:.; :*¨¨*::TWO BRAND NEW BEAUTIFUL AIM LADY~ That AIM's To Please!*:; :*¨¨*::* - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
~*ViSiTinG*~ ONE Night ONLY so HURRY °*60 SpL*° SexY BlonDe BBW ~Face~ 2 Die 4 *KiSSeS*HuGe - 27
(Memphis, Downtown Memphis)
🍭🍬🍦🍫XXXOTIC TREAT!!! Sexy & Petite💋💋💋YOU MUST 👀!!!! (310)703-9778 Chanel - 23
(East In/Out, Memphis)
♥ Upscale ♥ Exotic ♥ Naughty ♥ Girl ♥ The Gentlemen's #1 Choice! - 24
(German Town Incalls/Outcalls)
»-(¯`v´¯)- »* Big Booty BBW Adult Star Lady Seductress LETS HAVE FUN!!»-(¯`v´¯)- »* - 28
(Memphis Airport &Surrounding; Areas)
What's Your Pleasure... Cause Im GREAT @ It ALL ;)********* GooD GirL Gone BAD!!! ;) - 21
VISITING ... All Inclusive GFE Texas SPINNER with Hot SPECIALS, NEW Reviews & GREAT Pics - 22
(East Memphis)
*****XXperience Chocolate Beauty -140 Hr InSpecials -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
✈ Visiting ✈ CaLiFoRnIa's SwEeThEaRT ✈ VISITING ✈ Limited Time Only ✈ - 19
(INcalls N Outcalls 24-7)
Sexi petite carmel sweet new n town!!!! ready to satisfy your every need....Come dadddy yessss!!!!! - 21
(Memphis, memphis area n surrounding)
SECRET ( ☎901-340-1452☎ ) 💝💜💋💄 CuTe FaCe Slim WaIst Ur DreAM MiZtReSS 👜💵💳🎀 (👉 OUTCALLS ONLY 100 💵) - 20
❤ •_S•E•X•Y ° ★•° [ ✔ AVAILABLE !! -------------- ★ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis IN/OUT (Tunica outcalls to))
SEXY :*¨¨*: :BLONDE *:.♥ :BUSTY¨¨*:: ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ::*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ VISITING! - 23
Sexy Red ..Treat Yourself.. Dont Cheat Yourself $$$.. Special Weekday Rates....$$$ - 28
(Tunica, Memphis)
SEXY CARMEN!!! ThE PlEaSiNg ViXeN!! You HAVENT had it RIGHT till YOU get with CARMEN tonight!!; -) - 21
sexy goddess!!!!$$$$ ***** NAYLA ***** xoxo AVAILABLE!!!!!! - 22
(Memphis, Memphis tn incalls/outcalls)
Sexy, Exotic, Erotic Sensual PRINCESS !!! German & Italian Bunny!!! NEW IN TOWn 4199360891 - 25
(Memphis, east memphis/I-240)
Sexy Hot Sweet Petite Treat!!! Thin and CuRvY 662 292 8081 - 26
(Memphis, all surrounding memphis area, tunica,)
SEx XY! .. PETITE . YOUNG .. M o *N * d A¨¨ y*:$125:S P E c I a L s*: : - 901 283-6669 - 23
( ( SeE iT) )___100___( ( BELiEVe iT ) )___FLAT Rate____( ( EXpERiENcE iT ) )_____100_____
(downtown area)
Quick pick👄 New in Town😍💞Satisfaction guarantee 👌👄 👅 - 22
(Memphis, ⭐My place or yours ⭐ Whitehaven)
SEXY CARMEN!!!Unique Beauty!! Ready to Please You! Dreams turnt into reality by a phone call !!! - 21
;-) Sexy & Petite baby ;-) I'm Your One & Only Best Kept Secret ;-) Ashley 901-208-6591 ;-) - 23
(Memphis, Memphis area)
SEx XY! . PETITE .YOUNG . W* e *d * n *e: s d * A¨¨ y*:H u M p -D :a *Y specials 901 283-6669 - 23
***-:Ms. True*** The Truth That'll Set You Free * * Real Pics I'm all Real** Call me Ill be True to - 18
(Memphis, Were ever You Want me (i prefer outcalls)
Naughty Blonde for You !! Real and Reviewed ..... Girlfriend intown visiting from Florida - 25
** Mz.Money ** 75$ Special ** 901** 318** 9509 ** Sexy ,Hot, MixedBreed Avai Now !! - 23
(Memphis, Memphis Tn , my room or yours)
Moe$60 outcall special HOT CHOCOLATE 🍫🍫 NO black men under 40! No BS 💎✨🔥 - 20
(Memphis, outcalls only)