Mon 27 Jan
HeRe OnLy FoR A wEeK** full figured DiVa** veri sexi PrInCeSs** WaNtS To PlAy** 100$pecials - 28
(Memphis, Sycamore view)
FAKE RIPOFF - - - - - - (VisiTiNG) - - - - *Brunette Hottie* - - - - CALL NOW!! - 23 - 62
√Grown & Mature√(205) 671-7297 ♥One Night only!! Jazz♥(205) 671-7297★ I Do it the Best√√ - 22
(Memphis, Memphis and surrounding..)
:::★; *Good Girl Gone Bad * * E b O n Y* ::★; Treat * *::★;:: !!!! - 28
(Memphis, Memphis, Jackson, Surrounding)
Get ready for love in 5 min!!! - 23
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Right here, Tri-Cities)
☠HANDLE with CAUTION ☠ MAY cause TOES 2 CURL & SPINE tingling an All American delight - 21
(Mem, Tunica (In call & Out calls))
_ (--- GoRGeOuS & BuSTY ---) _ (--- HiGHLy SKiLLeD & WeLL ReVieWeD ---) _ U KNoW U WaNT Me - 25
(memphis, jackson, tunica, arkansas)
Five Beautiful Ladies Are Giving GFE Hot Erotic Body Rubs-Special Pricing - 21
(East Memphis and Nashville, TN.)
*•-:¦:-• *E X O T I C __ SWeeT__ Mixed Petite p L A Y M A T E * •-:¦:-•*¨¨*•. -- - 21
(Memphis, memphis/tunica surroundings)
💙💚💛 easy and hassle free! Safe, sexy, real! Available anytime. Pretty white girl! Highly reviewed💛💚💙 - 25
(Memphis, U of M area, incalls only)
_ (--- GoRGeOuS ---) _ (--- HiGHLy SKiLLeD ---) _ (--- WeLL ReViEWeD ---) 2 GIRL SPECIALS - 25
(memphis, jackson, tunica, arkansas)
Get ready 🎉🎉For the ride of yur life💋💋 with sexy Karman 🌹🌹9014405194 early bird special - 25
(Memphis, Memphis. tunica west Memphis areas)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) ——*HOTT* ——(( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) ——(( *REAL PICS* )) ——(( *SAFE & DISCREET* )) - 23
★°° ExXxotic _Young SexXxy °°★°° CurVy PeTiTe °°★ ALL DaY SPEC!ALS °°★°° - 21
(memphis & surrounding areas)
🌋 ❌ 🌋 🌋 ❌ 🌋 🌋 ❌ 🌋 🌋 ❌ 🌋 E❌.PL⭕💞IVE 🌋 ❌ 🌋 E❌.C.I.T.I.N.G 🌋 ❌ 🌋 🌋 ❌ 🌋 🌋 - 23
(Memphis, ████████Memphis █████Tunica)
✔ (。’▽’。)♡ E ♥ B ♥ O ♥ N ♥ Y (。’▽’。)♡ ♡Sweet Passion Available ♥~♥ N O W ♥ ~♥With Specials ✔ 50SP) - 22
(Jackson Tennessee Surrounding Counties, Memphis)
Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun...Ladie Cherrie & Ma'Ryah 901-281-3023 - 26
(Memphis and surrounding areas)
_____ _____ _____ DoCTeR oN CaLL ______ _____ _____ CLiCK HeRe _____ - 25
(memphis, west memphis, jackson, tunica)
________ _____ Cutie With A Booty _______ IN JACKSON TN AREA NOW _________ North Jackson Tn Incall - 23
(Memphis, JACKSON TN ONLY Incall hwy 45 bypass)
♥•° Everybody Loves Cocoa!! ♥ $50 Great Specials... 24/7 Avail. Incall•°♥ - 23
(Memphis, Up$cale location sycamore view)
DrEaM GiRl HiGhLy ReViEwEd ..TaKe A FiRsT CLaSS TrIp To JadasWorld!!! - 26
(Memphis, germantown/east memphis)
♛[☆] DeLiCiOus BlondE UpScAle PrOviDeR [☆][☆] ♛[☆][☆] SwEet & PeTitE [☆]♛♛1000% ME!![☆]♛[☆] - 22
(Covington pike, Memphis)
***** Everybody Likes Something New, Even Me ***** - 25
(Memphis, Memphis, 1 hr.notice 4 jackson & Tunica)
*(*(CUM)*)* & ^ ---- | PLAY |---- WITH ---- *(*( ME!)*)* Ready, and waiting 4 U*)*)*) - - 23
(Wolfchase Mall)
🌹Exotic Brasilian 🌹OUTCALLS /INCALLS No TEXT Only Calls No Time For B.S - 20
(Jackson not memphis, Memphis)
♥★Double Trouble ♥★*Perfect 10 ♥★1OO% Real Pix♥★Incall & Outcall♥★ Reviewed Providers - 19
(Memphis, Wolfchase, Cordova, Olive Branch)
✾❥ —— × CURVACEOUS CASSiE × HERE 2 SCORE × — × ✾❥ With U This WEEK× ✾❥ SPECiALS - 24
Don't be shy guys!😛 Come join the fun!💦 Like seeing a beautiful face?🌹No AA - 19
(Jackson Tennessee, Memphis)
√√√√~~~~cute hottie back in town ready 2 have fun****doll 9016438356 ***** $50 & 80 specials - 19
~*~* Come Here Daddy Let's Get Nasty!!!! **** Hot New Specials *~*~ - 22
(memphis / tunica / arkansas)
College Vixen {New}•Hot Serious Older Gents Only ~Call Now~No TEXTING Evening Kisses70/100 - 21
(Memphis, Cordova, GermantownDowntown and Surround)
💫💫👅👅🌟🌟 Don't ✨ Mizz ✨ Out ✨ On ✨ This ✨ Awesome ✨80$ ✨ Special ✨ London.... (901)236-8186 ✨✨👅👅💫💫 - 24
(Memphis, My room or yours)
***** Don't You Like Me ... I'm The Newbie ***** - 21
(Memphis, Memphis,1 hr.notice 4 jackson & Tunica)