Mon 27 Jan
+ -:- + -:- + The UltiMate ExpeRience. . . . . . SenSual, B2b, ProState -:- + -:- + -:- - 27
(Memphis, *Memphis* *Surrounding Areas*)
*Need to relax? **Best BodyRubs in town!! *Sexy Chocolate Cutie Available!! - 25
(Memphis, Memphis, Southaven, West Memphis)
-:- -:- Soapy . -:-.. ShowerScrubs ..-:-... Hott B2b & Stimulating -:- Warm Nude Massages . . . . . - 27
(Memphis, *Memphis *Tunica *Southaven *West Memphi)
♥♥♥DDD's Please!!!!!! Experience the ultimate Erotic Body Rub....With a Magical Touch!!!!♥♥♥ - 26
(Memphis, memphis/tunica area)
100% ❤ ((SuPeR HoTt )) ❤ (( ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS )) ❤ (( AMAZING BoDy )) ❤ (( SeXy & SEDUCTIVE )) - 25
(Holly springs, Memphis)
Sun 12 Jan
Need that special touch?? ~Bootiful Ebony Offering Massages ShowerPlay and More!!..... - 25
(Memphis, Memphis Area, Incalls -*- Outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Need that special touch?? ~Bootiful Ebony Offering Massages ShowerPlay and More!!..... - 25
(Memphis, Memphis Area, Incalls -*- Outcalls)
Thu 09 Jan
100% ❤ ((SuPeR HoTt )) ❤ (( ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS )) ❤ (( AMAZING BoDy )) ❤ (( SeXy & SEDUCTIVE )) - 25
(Holly springs, Memphis)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
+ -:- + -:- + The UltiMate ExpeRience. . . . . . SenSual, B2b, ProState -:- + -:- + -:- - 27
(Memphis, *Memphis* *Surrounding Areas*)
-:- -:- Soapy . -:-.. ShowerScrubs ..-:-... Hott B2b & Stimulating -:- Warm Nude Massages . . . . . - 27
(Memphis, *Memphis *Tunica *Southaven *West Memphi)
Mon 06 Jan
♥ • ♥ • ♥ •Bootiful E×ot¡¢ Eßony •♥• Pleasurable MaSSages •♥• Soapy ßodyScrubS ♥ •♥• 80 $peci@lS - 28
(Memphis, ★ *★* ★ InCalls Or OutCalls ★ *★* ★)
♥ • ♥ • ♥ •Bootiful E×ot¡¢ Eßony •♥• Pleasurable MaSSages •♥• Soapy ßodyScrubS ♥ •♥• 80 $peci@lS - 28
(Memphis, ★ *★* ★ InCalls Or OutCalls ★ *★* ★)
♥♥♥DDD's Please!!!!!! Experience the ultimate Erotic Body Rub....With a Magical Touch!!!!♥♥♥ - 26
(Memphis, memphis/tunica area)
Need to relax? My massage is just what you need! morning special 10% off before 12pm. - 23
(Memphis, memphis incalls / outcalls)
Sun 05 Jan
%Feel Relax and a satisfaction with a top quality Body rub service Guaranteed% - 23
(Memphis, memphis incalls / outcalls)
💕💞✨ MISS PRETTY KITTY ✨💞💕 Best Kitty in the City 📞 213 787 4792 📞 Upscale GENTLEMEN only ! - 21
(Memphis, Sycamore view Incalls & outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
*Want to get Away... Relax.... and have Fun? *Escape with a Sexy Erotic Ebony!! - 25
(Memphis, Memphis Area InCall ~:~ Outcalls)
%Feel Relax and a satisfaction with a top quality Body rub service Guaranteed% - 23
(Memphis, memphis incalls / outcalls)
*Want to get Away... Relax.... and have Fun? *Escape with a Sexy Erotic Ebony!! - 25
(Memphis, Memphis Area InCall ~:~ Outcalls)
*.*.*.* S.e.X.Xy...* ...*. *Topless..... Or Fully N.u.d.E *MaSSAgeS!! *.*.*.*. - 26
(Memphis, Memphis Surrounding Areas In/Outcalls)
*Need to relax? **Best BodyRubs in town!! *Sexy Chocolate Cutie Available!! - 25
(Memphis, Memphis, Southaven, West Memphis)
*:: *:: ~* S E N S A T I O N A L Stress Releasing M A S S A G E S *:: *:: ~ ::* - 26
(Memphis, Memphis Surrounding Areas In/Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
💕💞✨ MISS PRETTY KITTY ✨💞💕 Best Kitty in the City 📞 213 787 4792 📞 Upscale GENTLEMEN only ! - 21
(Memphis, Sycamore view Incalls & outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
*.*.*.* S.e.X.Xy...* ...*. *Topless..... Or Fully N.u.d.E *MaSSAgeS!! *.*.*.*. - 26
(Memphis, Memphis Surrounding Areas In/Outcalls)