Mon 27 Jan
♥ ♥ SPECIAL WOMEN With SPECIAL PRICING that REAL Men Appreciate ♥ ♥ - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and Tunica)
°°° WhErE FANTASY ßeCoMeS REALITY!! °°° DoNt MiSs OuT On ThIs KiTtEn!! °°° - 21
⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪ SUPER ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ SEXY ⚪⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪ MEET ⚪⚪💎⚪⚪ YOUR ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ DREAM ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ GIRL ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ - 23
(Memphis, ⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪ HOSTING ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪)
¥Super Sexy Vixen¥Exquisite Curves¥Call Me 9016018554¥ - 21
(Memphis, East Memphis My Place Or Yours)
👙 SPECIALS👙💞 I'm NOT Red Bull but I can give u WINGS!!!🍭💞 - 23
(Memphis, my place or yours (Trucker friendly))
°·° IrresistiblE!! °·° SensationaL!! °·° PERFECTION!! °·° Great Reviews!! - 21
*Girl Of Your Dreams* Exotic Fantasy. Everything You've been waiting for!! - 21
(Memphis, my place or yours (Trucker friendly))
DON'T YOU - D-E-S-E-R-V-E °°?°° T-H-E - FINEST°°?°° L A -- D--I--E -S and SPECIAL RATES - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and Tunica)
~* Beautiful Ladies ~ Memphis Best Are Providing Stress Relief~ Special Pricing*~
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
Be the 1 that gets the girl!!!! ALSO,ask about my ₩arm↑ deal;-) ♥~>☆★☆JAIDA☆★☆ - 23
(Memphis, JACKSON, TN my place or yours)
🎀💎Back By Popular Demand 🎀💎Mercedes 🎀💎Come Test Drive Me🎀💎9016018554🎀💎 - 19
(Memphis, East Memphis My Place Or Yours)
♥ _♥__ ☑ 1OO % SEXY _ ♥ _ ☑ 1OO % REAL _ ♥ _ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING _ ♥ _ ☑ 1OO % EXOTIC _ ♥ - 23
(Memphis, My Place or Yours)
☆☆☆ 100% REAL ALL NEW PICTURES ☆☆☆ Super Sexy Green Eyed Brunette☆☆☆ ♡♡♡100% WHITE GIRL♡♡♡ - 30
(Memphis, ☆MY place or YOURS☆☆☆Trucker Friendly ☆☆)
♥ ♥ SPECIAL WOMEN With SPECIAL PRICING that REAL Men Appreciate ♥ ♥ - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and Tunica)
¤¤ SiLkY ·· SMOOOTH ·· ¤¤ All ·· NATURAL ___ GODESS!¡! ·· ¤¤ ReAd¥ To PlEaSe!! ¤¤ - 21
♥ Week Day Specials ♥ BEAUTIFUL LADIES IN MEMPHIS ♥ You'll LOVE Us ♥ ♥ - 21
(Memphis, Entire Memphis and Tunica)
THURSDAY Specials! -:¦: - (( ♥ GET PAMPERED ♥ )) -:¦:- By The Best~ ♥ ~ Purr~Fect - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
~~~SCORE a TOUCHDOWN with a hardworking college cutie today!!!~~~ **Let's go into overtime!!** - 26
(Memphis and surrounding)
prєττվ & plaվfuℓ sE㋱y ηaughէվ fRєαKs✚ SOft LíP's ✚ CuRVy HipS ✚ NiCE ßíG τíT's 〓 $100 2GiRLSPeCíaLs! - 20
(Memphis, My Place Or Yours)
I know what MEN like! I know what MEN want! MEN like. MEN want ME! $PECIAL$!!! - 21
(Memphis, MY PLACE OR YOURS!! $120 FLAT RATE!!)
Mon 13 Jan
TUESDAY Specials! -:¦: - (( ♥ GET PAMPERED ♥ )) -:¦:- By The Best~ ♥ ~ Purr~Fect - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
Sun 12 Jan
DON'T YOU - D-E-S-E-R-V-E °°•?•°° T-H-E - FINEST°°•?•°° L— A -- D--I--E –-S and SPECIAL RATES - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and Tunica)
¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ LeT mE ★ BE YouR ★ SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ - 23
(Memphis, My Place or Yours...)
DON'T YOU - D-E-S-E-R-V-E °°•?•°° T-H-E - FINEST°°•?•°° L— A -- D--I--E –-S and SPECIAL RATES - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and Tunica)
~ *Beautiful Ladies *~ WaNtInG To pLaY ~ Call Us At 901-292-3374 ~* - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
♥ Specials ♥ BECKHAM, ALYSSA, NIKKI and ALEXA ♥ The ABSOLUTE BEST ♥ ♥ - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
~*CALL FOR ~ One or More Hot Beautiful Ladies ~ Sizzilin Hotties and Special Pricing *~ - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
Sat 11 Jan
~*WeEkLy SpEcIaLs FrOm ALL Of Us ~ At AiM EnTeRtAiNmEnT ~ ThAnK YoU HoLiDaY SpEcIaLs *~ - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
TUESDAY Specials! -:¦: - (( ♥ GET PAMPERED ♥ )) -:¦:- By The Best~ ♥ ~ Purr~Fect - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
Don't spend your Saturday alone, call a ** HOT ** COLLEGE BOUND CUTIE ** I WANT YOU!!! - 26
(memphis in and outcall)
~*SANTA'S LiTtLe HeLpErS HaVe A ~ ThAnK YoU HoLiDaY SpEcIaL JuSt FoR YoU *~ - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
~~I always aim to please! ** available at ALL TIMES!!!** SENSUAL, GENUINE, and VERY PASSIONATE!!! - 26
(Memphis and surrounding)
👙💞 I'm NOT Red Bull but I can give u WINGS!!!🍭💞 Watch HARD👅👙👅 I work 4 it$$ - 23
(Memphis, my place or yours (Trucker friendly))
((ExXxTreMLy SeXXXy ))) EBoNY BeAuTy (((*VeRy SeXy *))) *((*REAL !PICS*!!) - 22
(My PLacE (( oR )) yOuRs ( CORDOVA ))
☆☆☆ 100% REAL ALL NEW PICTURES ☆☆☆ Super Sexy Green Eyed Brunette☆☆☆ ♡♡♡100% WHITE GIRL♡♡♡ - 30
(Memphis, ☆MY place or YOURS☆☆☆Trucker Friendly ☆☆)
~~I always aim to please! ** available at ALL TIMES!!!** SENSUAL, GENUINE, and VERY PASSIONATE!!! - 26
(Memphis and surrounding)
°·° IrresistiblE!! °·° SensationaL!! °·° PERFECTION!! °·° Great Reviews!! - 21
XoXo💋 👉💕LOCAL 💣BOMBSHELL💣🔥💣 ❤️Super Sweet❤️ Discrete❤️ Independent❤️ 🌹💋AVAILABLE 24•7💕❤️ - 32
(Memphis, My place or yours 🏪)
~*MEMPHIS Beautiful BEST ESCORTS ~ Has Beautiful Hotties ~ Sizziling Hotties and Special Pricing *~
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
♥ _♥__ ☑ 1OO % SEXY _ ♥ _ ☑ 1OO % REAL _ ♥ _ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING _ ♥ _ ☑ 1OO % EXOTIC _ ♥ - 23
(Memphis, My Place or Yours)
••• 👟👟 🌟 THIS 🍼 M ⚢ ℒ K 🍼 S ℋ @ K ℰ 🍼 brings ALL the Boys TO OUR Place ! 🌟🏃🏃 ••• - 21
(Memphis, My place or yours <3 $)
Fri 10 Jan
Think INside the BOX today come over! I know you wanna play! Double dare?Twice the fun?one on one? - 23
(Memphis, Memphis, TN my place or yours)
***WOW*** New Photos ***WOW*** Classy Upscale Independent Caucasian Dream Girl ***WOW** - 30
(Memphis, My place or yours trucker friendly)
~*WeEkEnD SpEcIaLs FrOm ALL Of Us ~ At AiM EnTeRtAiNmEnT ~ ThAnK YoU HoLiDaY SpEcIaLs *~ - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
Think INside the BOX today come over! I know you wanna play! Double dare?Twice the fun?one on one? - 23
(Memphis, Memphis, TN my place or yours)
~*MEMPHIS Beautiful BEST ESCORTS ~ IS Even Better ~ Sizziling Hotties and Special Pricing *~
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪ SUPER ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ SEXY ⚪⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪ MEET ⚪⚪💎⚪⚪ YOUR ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ DREAM ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ GIRL ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ - 23
(Memphis, ⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪ HOSTING ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪)
🍒🍭🍒〰 S.M.∅.K.i.N.G. 〰 H∅† 〰 P.E.†.I.†.E 🍓Elite Beauty 🍓〰 🍒🍭🍒 - 21
(Memphis, 🍭🍬🍭 My Place 🍓or🍓 Yours🍭🍬🍭)
** I AM waiting to PLEASE you ** GORGEOUS ** SCREAMER available ALL NIGHT ** Call NOW!!!!!!! - 26
(memphis and surrounding)